
Loving Life

Learning to Love Life



Student Art Wall update

Many new additions to the art wall.  

Tone and Mood Assignment

Last week we had our students read The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe. On a section of the poem, students had to circle tone and mood words. After the students did that, they were to draw a picture that signifies an important aspect of the poem. 

 Here are my Pre-Ap student’s work. 

Journal topic: if you can be reincarnated as an animal, what would it be?

  I want a pack to roll with!

Final Prezi Project

This is the final project for our Biography Unit. All of my students had to chose a different person who was considered influential, changed their field, and together they had to edit one giant Prezi. Each student had to present their five facts to their respective class. It was a great success, with only a handful who didn’t complete the project.

More crazy sayings…

We were talking about morals in fables and a student of mine said the characters will “read while you sew.” Laughing, I corrected the student and had to explain what “You reap what you sow” meant.

I have a jacket that has a tag that reads “Gypsy Warrior,” a student thought that said “Crispy Warrior.” I laughed for ten minutes. My students are weird.

I have also been called mom twice, I am surprised it happened this late in the year. Jokingly, I told my “children” that I shunned them and they were raised by wolves, thus explaining their abhorrent manners.

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